In the midst of a new assassin-focused meta in League of Legends, Shaco has mysteriously vanished. As one of the jungle’s premier AD assassins, you’d think now would be his prime-time, but he’s nowhere to be found.
He isn’t played simply because he’s really weak, but Riot is planning to change that in Patch 8.6, according to the latest PBE update. OK, so maybe it isn’t much of a mystery.
There are some clear-cut weaknesses that the clown is burdened with that prevent him from keeping up with Kha’Zix and Evelynn. For starters, he has to max his Two-Shiv Poison ability to deal any real burst damage. Unfortunately, with his kit in its current state, that means he can’t put any early points into his invisibility-granting Deceive. Without any points, Deceive only allows Shaco to remain invisible for 1.5 seconds, hamstringing his ganking power until he reaches the mid-game.
Granted, it scales up to a whopping 4.5 seconds, but that’s only when he needs it the least. He needs to be able to gank early on to keep up with Evelynn and Kha’Zix who both have more powerful early ganks and scale much harder than he does.
- Why crying on shaco's deceive and his damage? Shaco has much less damage than most of champions. Deceive is not a true crits. Deceive does 40% extra damage in level 1, which means before level 8, shaco only have 40% extra damage in deceive, if he has 100 physical damage(in level 1, its only 55.), he does 140 damage by deceive, plus 20% from back.
- Jun 30, 2011 Wards and movement speed champions such as Master Yi, Sivir, Shaco (Deceive), Udyr (Bear Stance), etc. And/or teleport users allows teams to push lanes in a similar manner to the global gate Shen has but slightly less effectively. A 0-6 sivir with 5 tower kills is not an entirely un-normal sight if you shut down a sivir early game.
- R/leagueoflegends: This is a subreddit devoted to League of Legends. I come from the 9.22 patch. AD Shaco was straight broken on rework 9.20, so they nerfed him in 9.22, had to wait 2 patches of him having 57% wr because 'players just didnt know to play against him'.Leaving AP shaco untouched.
To help him out, Riot is changing his Deceive to grant him a flat three seconds of invisibility at all ranks. Even though its duration will be lower than it is now at max rank, the cooldown is also being massively lowered at max rank to compensate, so overall, this is a very large buff. Its cooldown at rank five will be 10 seconds, down from 14.
This is about the AP side of Shaco only and how the changes to him, whether it be to better the AP or AD side, have affected him. AP Shaco has been my bread and butter since Season 1. I have clocked in over 7000 games of Shaco, if not more, throughout all of my accounts. Currently, AP Shaco is in one of his weakest states he has ever been in. The people who like it, do enjoy it. The people who hate it find it abominable that they have to deal with it. That couldn't be more wrong. There are 10 champions currently in the game with a stealth mechanic. Only one of them has a stealth that is a blink, that is Shaco's Deceive.
Since his early power is so much better, he no longer needs quite as much slowing potency on his E, so it’s dropping, but only at early levels.
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Overall, this is a very good move on Riot’s part. It helps him out where he needs it the most, but is careful to not let him become OP through the use of some small nerfs to other parts of his kit. These changes, should they actually make it through the PBE and into Patch 8.6, should arrive in two weeks.