INTECH is considered a pioneer in metal 3D printing in India. The firm already supplies software solutions for DMG MORI’s LASERTEC SLM (selective laser melting) machines and also for other products as well as customers using the powder bed technology. DMG Mori using 3D printer, CNC mill hybrid to produce Porsche parts. Take the case of DMG Mori for instance, one of Europe’s foremost machine tool manufacturers, which has been using 3D printing to make parts for Porsche, the iconic German automobile company. LASERTEC 65 3D hybrid - Machines for ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING by powder nozzle and in powder bed by DMG MORI. Dental Milestones Guaranteed – for over 50 years in more than 80 countries. Whether for precise impressions or reliable temporary and permanent restorations: DMG has been helping dentists and dental technicians for more than five decades in their daily work - with innovative branded products 'made in Germany', in which there is real inventiveness.
Jan 20, 2015 DMGMORI and 3D printing Machine tool giant DMG Mori has surprised the industry with the introduction of a centre that both mills metal and adds it to a workpiece. The company showed a prototype of the unit at Euromold 2013. 3D Printing Industry has returned to Chicago for the 2018 edition of IMTS. Held in every even-numbered year, IMTS is North America’s leading manufacturing technology show.
LuxaPrint: The new range of materials for uncomplicated 3D-printing
13 March 2017
DMGs LuxaPrint-Familie bietet fünf Top-Materialien für dentalen 3D-Druck: für Modelle, individuelle Funktionslöffel, Gussobjekte, Bohrschablonen & Schienen.
LuxaPrint is DMG’s new range of materials for your additive digital prosthetics. The variety of materials are easy to use, versatile and offer the DMG made in Hamburg quality you’ve come to expect.
Dmg Dental 3d Printer
The LuxaPrint range consists of 5 light-curing resins for a variety of purposes:
LuxaPrint Model for models, LuxaPrint Tray for individual functional trays, LuxaPrint Cast for cast objects, LuxaPrint Ortho for drilling templates and LuxaPrint Ortho plus for splints.
The high-quality materials can be processed without issue on all standard 3D-printers. New standards are set with regard to speed and precision, specifically when combined with the high-speed printer DMG 3Delux.
Great care has been taken in all LuxaPrint variants to ensure ease of use – both before and after printing. Production takes place quickly and precisely. The printed objects are impressive in their attention to detail and easy to clean.
Dmg 3d Print And Cut
Dmg Mori Metal 3d Printer
You'll find more information at our stand at the IDS 2017, hall 10.1, or soon here on our DMG website.