5e Dmg Poisons

  • Incomplete Poisons. Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
  • Dec 03, 2014  Bascially you need to make various save at different times or bad things happend to the character. After this is another old standby Poisons The 5e DMG give 17 different types ranging from Assassin's Blood, Purple Worm poison, and Truth Serum. There is also advice and rules for Purchasing Poisons and Crafting/Harvesting Poisons.
  • Oct 06, 2014  Poisons in D&D 5e explained Although save or die poisons haven’t been in D&D since before the 3rd edition, I still regret the time I was running an adventure and a first level character encountered a poison spider. He failed his save and died.
  • Given their insidious and deadly nature, poisons are illegal in most societies but are a favorite tool among assassins, drow, and other evil creatures. Poisons come in the following four types. Contact poison can be smeared on an object and remains potent until it is touched or washed off.
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Oil of Etherealness

Potion, rare

Beads of this cloudy gray oil form on the outside of its container and quickly evaporate. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it’s wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour.

Base poison is DC 10 CON save or take 1d4 poison damage on a poisoned weapon and the victem is at disadvantage. Poiosned blade will stay poisoned for only 10 rounds. Hoard of the Dragon Queen introduces the following. Confusion Poison: DC 10 CON save or is Confused 1 minute. On a successfull save is confused 1 round. Incomplete Poisons. Pages with one or more improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. 1402 poison dmg per sec for 3.3 secs. Minor maim (-15% damage) and minor frac (-1320 p-resist) to target for 4.3 secs. Minor brute (+5% dmg) to you for 4.3 secs. Best thing is it uses normal ingredients likely already in stock in droves.

Oil of Sharpness

Potion, very rare


This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical and has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Oil of Slipperiness

Potion, uncommon

This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the container, but it flows quickly when poured. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it’s wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours.

Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the ground as an action, where it covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the effect of the grease spell in that area for 8 hours.

Philter of Love

Potion, uncommon

The next time you see a creature within 10 minutes after drinking this philter, you become charmed by that creature for 1 hour. If the creature is of a species and gender you are normally attracted to, you regard it as your true love while you are charmed.

This potion’s rose-hued, effervescent liquid contains one easy-to-miss bubble shaped like a heart.

Potion of Animal Friendship

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will.

Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair.

Potion of Clairvoyance

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the clairvoyance spell. An eyeball bobs in this yellowish liquid but vanishes when the potion is opened.

Potion of Climbing

Potion, common

When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb. The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors.

Potion of Diminution

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain the “reduce” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion’s liquid continuously contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear liquid around it. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.

Potion of Flying

Potion, very rare

When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you’re in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft. This potion’s clear liquid floats at the top of its container and has cloudy white impurities drifting in it.

Potion of Gaseous Form

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration required) or until you end the effect as a bonus action. This potion’s container seems to hold fog that moves and pours like water.

Potion of Giant Strength

Potion, rarity varies

When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score (see the table below). The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score.

This potion’s transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type. The potion of frost giant strength and the potion of stone giant strength have the same effect.

Type of GiantStrengthRarity
Hill giant21Uncommon
Frost/stone giant23Rare
Fire giant25Rare
Cloud giant27Very rare
Storm giant29Legendary

Potion of Growth

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you gain the “enlarge” effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion’s liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process.

Potion of Healing

Potion, rarity varies

5e Dmg Poisons Vs

You regain hit points when you drink this potion. The number of hit points depends on the potion’s rarity, as shown in the Potions of Healing table. Whatever its potency, the potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated.

Potion ofRarityHP Regained
HealingCommon2d4 + 2
Greater healingUncommon4d4 + 4
Superior healingRare8d4 + 8
Supreme healingVery rare10d4 + 20

Potion of Heroism

Potion, rare

For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling.

Potion of Invisibility

Potion, very rare

This potion’s container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell.

Potion of Mind Reading

Potion, rare

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). The potion’s dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink floating in it.

Potion of Poison

Potion, uncommon

5e Dmg Poisons List

This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its true nature.

If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.

Potion of Resistance

Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The GM chooses the type or determines it randomly from the options below.

d10Damage Type

Potion of Speed

Potion, very rare

5e Dmg Poisons Free

When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required). The potion’s yellow fluid is streaked with black and swirls on its own.

Potion of Water Breathing

Potion, uncommon

You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.

5e Dmg Poisons

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Name Cost Summary
3.5e Magic Item Preload
Acute Heavy Metal Poisoning -- gp The result of consuming a lot of toxic heavy metals at once. If not treated immediately it may have serious long term effects.
Brittlebone Powder 75 gp This powder makes one's bones brittle and easily subject to critical hits.
Cachin 550 gp Contact poison that causes the victim laugh uncontrollably in a paralytic fit.
Chloramine Gas 375 gp The result of mixing common cleaning chemicals, this gas is both corrosive and toxic.
Cloud of Indolence 1,300 gp Inhaled poison that makes the victim sluggish.
Dream Haze 500 gp Technically a poison, this powerful hallucinogen can show you the future... or bring you on a bad trip.
Dreg Venom 8,500 gp Injury poison that quickly rots the afflicted creature's insides.
Ghost Tears 500 gp This poison contains the essence of sorrowful heartbreak.
Goblin Bomb Maker 75 gp A quick goblin-like ending for any foe.
Hag Wart Dust 100 gp A long-lasting, but weak, contact poison derived from actual hag warts.
Limpbile 150 gp A poison which attacks the legs and lowers movement speeds.
Liquid Truth 30 gp Liquid truth is a nasty little drug that makes its imbiber unable to lie and gives them a euphoric sensation for its duration.
Local Anesthetic 30 gp Technically a useful poison employed by medics, local anesthetics dull the pain in an area.
Myofasciotic Serum 60 gp This poison is weak, but very reliable at dealing Dexterity damage.
Nonverdure 333 gp The result of salt and vinegar combined against plants
Sandman Soup 375 gp Contact poison that causes immediate unconsciousness.
Shutdown Serum A poison that systematically strips victims of their mental faculties, leading to unconsciousness. Psionic characters can manipulate this poison to control a victim's brain, and ultimately their very thoughts.
Squalid Ambrosia 500 gp A foul and unnatural brew which is a deadly poison, but typically used in vile rituals due to the difficulty in getting someone to willingly ingest it.
Sunvenom 90 gp Those afflicted by this poison glow brightly, and eventually go blind!
Tiny Viper Poison 100 gp Poison from the tiny viper, now with a price.
Tranquilizer 100, 200, 300 Injury poison. Tranquilizers inhibit creatures and often render them unconscious.
Truth Serum 150 gp An injected or ingested poison which compels the victim to speak only the truth and reveal secrets.
Turpentine 250 gp This alchemical concoction reacts quite violently when released, and can be used to set objects and weapons ablaze.
Zed Ichor 500 gp Could it be... THE T-VIRUS!? *Dun dun dun!*

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